ComixLaunch Kickstarter Assessment
This short assessment is designed to help your next Kickstarter succeed.

Answering the following questions will measure you and your project's crowdfunding strengths and identify areas for improvement.

It's also designed to help identify creators who would get the most value out of joining one of the limited number of seats in the next session of the ComixLaunch Course.

In the ComixLaunch Course, you'll receive in-depth training to build your next Kickstarter project step-by-step alongside a small group of like-minded creators also building their campaigns. You'll have the guidance of creators who have done it before and build your campaign in a supportive environment where we're all rooting for your success.

Ready to take the assessment?

Then let's begin...
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Email *
Name *
Which of the following describes what you do? *
Check all that apply to you.
Have you run a Kickstarter Campaign before? *
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