ComixLaunch's 2023 Comics & Kickstarter Survey
Hello creator!

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this 2023 ComixLaunch survey specifically geared toward comic creators!  Eight years ago, I conducted a similar survey that shined a bright light on what's working and what isn't for comic creators on Kickstarter... and now I'm looking to run another survey to discover what's changed and what creators need NOW when it comes to their crowdfunding efforts! 

Your invaluable feedback will also help us set the road map for ComixLaunch podcast and product content moving forward.

As a special bonus incentive for completing this survey: 

🎁 We will randomly select two lucky winners of a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card from all of the survey participants after we hit 200 respondents. So, get your surveys in ASAP! 

🎁🎁 Not only that, once you've finished and submitted the survey, you'll get a bonus ComixLaunch training that will help you raise more funding when you launch your campaign. Consider it a way we can thank you for your input! 

Now, on with the survey...
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Have you ever run a Kickstarter Campaign before? *
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