Walter Ostlie, Bob Frantz & Kevin Cuffe, creators of the hit Kickstarter-funded graphic novel Metal Shark Bro join Tyler for a lively discussion on going after a big goal on Kickstarter.

Highlights of This Session Include:

  • Charting the Metal Shark Bro journey from insane idea to a $25K+ Kickstarter and then direct market success
  • The HOT (literally) Kickstarter Dead Zone strategy Kevin used to keep funding coming in during the Bro’s first launch
  • The Kickstarter strategies the boys are keeping (and the ones they’re ditching) in the new campaign
  • Plus: A success shout to a – ComixLaunch Pro on his first successful launch!

This Session is Sponsored by…

“Today’s Session is Sponsored by GORILLA MY DREAMS: GORILLA TAILS, 22 pages of Gorilla Noir written by Big Tim Stiles with art by Ahmed Raafat. GORILLA MY DREAMS: GORILLA TAILS is live on Kickstarter right now!”

Today’s Featured Guests

Walter Ostlie is a talented comic book Illustrator and the creator of Shiver Bureau.

Bob Frantz is the co-founder of Loophole Comics. He’s a husband., stay at home dad, writer & Podcaster.

Kevin Cuffe is a comic book writer and the creator of Oathbound: The Fantasy Spaghetti Western. He’s also the co-host of Word Bros, a comic book podcast with a focus on comic book creation with Bob Frantz.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Show

Metalshark Bro: Island of Mistfit Bros

More About Our Sponsor

GORILLA MY DREAMS: GORILLA TAILS is a 22-page superhero noir comic featuring Knockaround-Guy, a talking gorilla. Artist Ahmed Raafat and writer Big Tim Stiles tell five short stories that take place on the gritty streets of Struggle-Town.

Gasp with excitement watching cops have a shootout with themed henchmen! Recoil with fear as Knockaround-Guy teams up with Cthulhu Williams to take down a female mutant Nazi turtle! Snort-laugh as MutherDucker gets drunk in the North Poles Strip Club. And so much more.

GORILLA MY DREAMS is best described as “Batman: The Animated Series mashed with Ninja Turtles if Saturday morning cartoons were on TV after 10pm.” If you like gritty comics like Daredevil and Hellboy, then I think you’ll dig this comic. GORILLA MY DREAMS: GORILLA TAILS is live on Kickstarter right now!”

ComixLauncher [209]

Go take a look at the Metal Shark Bro KS campaign… Walter is a brilliant designer and creates a very attractive page… and incorporates an element of fun into the launch that not all pages have. Take some notes!

How to Find Out More About Today’s Featured Guests

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