The ComixLaunch Pro Spotlight is back and shining a light on Alton Simpson, the creator of Vampires of New Jersey, Witches of Westchester and Bunny Goes to Space, among other successful titles. Over the past couple of years, Alton's projects have raised over $150K on Kickstarter, and he joins Clay Adams for a discussion spilling some of his secrets!

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Writers Phil Butehorn and James Ferguson join the podcast to discuss not only their latest collaboration, Slice(s) of Life, an anthology set in a world where pizza has been outlawed, but their evolution from lifelong comic fans to prolific creators.

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Want to know what creators who are NOT launching on Kickstarter say are the biggest things they're missing that are holding them back? In this session, Tyler is diving into data from the recent ComixLaunch Survey to reveal insight into 7 perceived areas of lack that hold creators back from achieving their goals. He'll then share some insights on how to overcome each lack, and why launching on Kickstarter might actually be the answer to all of them!

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Over the last month, Kickstarter once again celebrated Make 100 month, an invitation for creators to launch smaller, limited projects. In this session, Tyler will shine a light on a bunch of really cool comic projects that embraced the Make 100 ethos in hopes that it will encourage more creators to take part in this annual event and to think differently about how Kickstarter can be used.

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