Coming back to the Kickstarter platform after a campaign that performs beyond your wildest expectations brings its own set of challenges. Comic writer David Pepose, creator of The O.Z., returns to the ComixLaunch Podcast to discuss doubling down on the success of his first crowdfunding effort with it's second issue launch!

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Over the past month, a wave of high profile comic creators started publishing new email newsletters on Substack, a venture backed platform for independent publishing. In this session, Tyler goes deep on the Substack platform, and weather or not it's a place ComixLaunchers should be.

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Campaign underperforming? You know you need to stay positive in order to keep promoting your Kickstarter... but how do you actually do that when you keep hitting refresh on your project page and aren't liking your funding or backer totals? In this session, Tyler shares why it's so important to shake out of that negative state and how to quickly right your emotional ship.

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Looking for something to do during your Kickstarter campaign to engage your backers and bring some new ones onboard your campaign? Then look no further than the Livestream Q&A! In this podcast, Tyler will break this strategy down step-by-step!

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