Tyler James is joined by co-host Jeremy Melloul for a frank discussion about who Kickstarter is for... and who it's not for, and who the perception of who should be crowdfunding comics has evolved over the past five years.

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Your project image is the single most important image you'll need for a successful Kickstarter. In this episode of ComixLaunch, you'll learn what works and what definitely doesn't when it comes to creating Kickstarter project images.

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Don’t even think about launching your crowdfunding project until you do these five things. Today’s Session is Sponsored by PureButtons! Go to comixlaunch.com/purebuttons for 10% off your entire custom button order! There is a FREE...

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Ever stopped to think why KS as a platform is so darn effective? How is it possible that nearly one billion dollars in funding for creative projects have been raised there? Tyler looks at 9 powerful mental triggers naturally built into Kickstarter that successful creators use to their advantage.

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In this session, Tyler share's an incredibly valuable project planning tool that he uses to design all his successful Kickstarter projects. If you want to launch, you need to do a SWOT analysis, and this episode will teach you how.

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