How do you convince potential backers sitting on the sidelines to support you Kickstarter campaigns? In this first of a two-part session, Tyler delves into the psychology of the "sideliner" as well as the 4 secrets to getting them off the fence and into the backer column.

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Join Tyler James and a small group of hardworking creators to learn to how to start, grow and energize an email list of fans big enough to successfully launch your project on Kickstarter. Then learn how to harness the power of Kickstarter to fund your projects, expand your audience, and build the foundation for your career as a comic creator. Join ComixLaunch Mastery today!

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For many creators, marketing is the most challenging part of a Kickstarter campaign. In this session, artist Anthony Christou teaches a guest lesson sharing his 40 day campaign marketing plan. Then, Tyler shares audio from a past ComixLaunch Course office hours session where he corrects a big mistake many creators make when it comes to email marketing.

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If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice that you wish you new when you first began your creative career, what would it be? It's a great question right... and a commonly asked question. In this session, Tyler shares his answer, and it's probably not the one you're expecting, but if you're planning on launching a Kickstarter in 2017, it's something you need to hear.

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In today's session with writer Jennie Wood (Flutter, A Boy Like Me) the topic of sticking with a project is discussed. You'll hear how Jenny drew from personal experience to craft a story that really resonates with readers and how Flutter came together. She'll also share insight from her experience on Kickstarter and teaching comics and graphic novels in Boston.

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Are you spending your career waiting to get picked? Or are you choosing yourself? In this session, Tyler discusses creator reaction to the recent DC Comics Writers Talent Development Workshop, and the importance of handling disappointment with professionalism.

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