In this month's ComixLaunch Pro Spotlight, Clay Adams interviews comic book creator Gerald von Stoddard, who splits his time between Tivoli, New York, and Florence, Italy. Gerald shares insights from his journey in the comics industry, as he emphasizes the value of asking for help and being an active part of the comics community.

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Elections have consequences, and the new US administration has promised tariffs or new taxes on imported products, which may include things like comic book paper, ink, enamel pins, plush toys and more. In this session, Tyler shares his take on the coming tariffs, the uncertainty they're creating, and the challenges for creators.

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Veteran comic book creator crowdfunders Kevin Joseph (Tart) and Mike Shea (Miskatonic High) join Tyler for a discussion about collaborative cross-over Kickstarter launches. Recently, Mike and Kevin launched a project two years in the making, crossing their characters over in an innovative trading card series.

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Comic writer John Burke joins ComixLaunch's Tyler James to discuss the power of biting off more than you think you can chew, and why getting comfortable with getting uncomfortable is a part of becoming a comic creator. This session is a deep dive into navigating uncertainty, facing awkwardness, and maintaining perseverance for something truly important.

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Creating is hard, even in the most ideal conditions. But how do we do it when conditions aren't ideal? When the world around us is stressful and the demands upon our time and talents, how do we keep our mental health in tip-top shape so we can do our best work? Tyler is a work-in-progress on this, just as you are, but he'll share some of his strategies to keep sane in a crazy world!

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Bestselling illustrator and art direct Amri Birdi is in the ComixLaunch Pro Spotlight, as he chats with Clay Adams about his crowdfunding journey, balancing his day-to-day art director duties with pursuing his own self-publishing creations.

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Tyler shares some good news and productive updates to a number of Kickstarter related topics, including steps the popular crowdfunding platform is taking to crack down on AI spam projects, a fix to the biggest problem to their new survey tool, and an update for creators looking to launch back-to-back projects.

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When building a Kickstarter campaign, creators often face the challenge of deciding how many reward tiers to offer. Comic creators especially often have lots of variant covers and extras that could easily lead to dozens of reward tiers... but is that overwhelming to prospective backers? In this session, Tyler shares his thoughts on reward tier volume and crunches some live Kickstarter data to back his insights!

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For the last five years, comic creators, artists and fans have been celebrating their love of indie comics with 31 days of art centered on indie comic characters! In this session, Tyler chats with Indietober architect Travis Gibb about running the annual event every October, the state of indie comics and how organizing online challenges can impact your creative career.

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